The culture of permaculture
Guba 2024-2027
eSwatini continues to experience intersecting challenges characterized by inadequate or unaffordable availability of food, economic hardship due to lack of employment or income generating opportunities, a depleted ecological resource base & poor-quality health & education services.
Guba’s permaculture programmes offer a practical framework, skills and knowledge to create positive personal, family and community change within this challenging external reality. Permaculture focusses on our internal resource base (our own attitudes, beliefs, knowledge & skills) and the physical resource base we have secure actionable control over (typically our homestead). With the following services Guba aims at creating opportunities for people to improve their own quality of life utilizing the resources they have control over:
• Permaculture Design Course (PDC) graduates have the knowledge and skills to design and implement a permaculture homestead system for food production and ecological regeneration.
• Guba Permaculture Farmers Network (GPFN) members are generating income through the home based production and sale of vegetables and herbs.
• emaSwati become aware of permaculture design and its relevance in addressing current economic, political and ecological stresses through engaging with Gubas' Advocacy programme (for example tree planting day)
• Preschool aged children receive a high quality permaculture education that connects them with their natural world, builds their self-confidence and supports increased capacity for self-compassion, team work and healthy communication. Ultimately positioning them for success in their future lives (Guba Treehouse Club).
• emaSwati living with chronic health issues receive holistic support to
improve their wellness and quality of life (Guba wellness programme).
Sahee supports Guba for over 15 years already (see last project Permaculture - a way of creating resilience in times of multiple crisis where you find all links to earlier projects). Since then, the organisations' impact has grown, affecting the lives of many people, and the Guba territory has become a permaculture paradies and a role model. Whoever happens to travel through Eswatini, this is an inspiring place and worth visiting!
Project site
Malkerns (Map)
Women: 3382 direct, 1826 indirect
Men: 2072 direct, 1826 indirect
Children under age 16: 1,641 direct
Project costs and assistance by sahee
The entire project costs are CHF 300’000.–, whereas sahee takes over CHF 86’500.–.
sahee is in regular contact with the project leaders, reviews the activities and visits the project once a year on site.
Duration of assistance
1st of May 2024 to 30th of April 2027
Local counterpart
Project site
generate PDF of project
Project overview
Impressions Guba permaculture garden 1
Impressions Guba permaculture garden 2
Impressions Guba permaculture garden 3
All plants start small...
Every month there is an open day when visitors can take an explanatory tour of the garden led by the Guba team.
Guba's Farmers Market takes place every second month.