
Financial contributions

Donations, grants and legacies to sahee are most welcome. Contributions can be made towards sahee in general or specifically for a field of activities or for one of the countries where sahee is involved.

If you plan a long-term involvement with sahee, please do contact us to discuss various possibilities.

All contributions are fully used to support beneficiaries in Eswatini and Peru. Every contribution will be acknowledged by letter.

All support given to sahee can be deducted from taxes according to local tax laws. sahee is supervised by the Swiss custody of foundations at the Federal Department of Home Affairs and is officially acknowledged as a charitable organization.

sahee account

Bank nameUBS AG, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland
Account no.0206-361564.01C
IBANCH67 0020 6206 3615 6401C
Clearing no.0206

Other contributions

Voluntary service is another way to support sahee's programmes. Please contact us if you like to inform your community about sahee's projects or if you are interested in serving as a volunteer in one of sahee's partner organizations in Eswatini or in Peru. Sahee also supports selected research in its fields of intervention in Eswatini and Peru.

You may also support a certain project in kind based on local needs.

We are happy to answer your questions and to get in contact with you.